To Schedule An Appointment
Call (778) 640-1123
3769 2nd Ave, Smithers, BC
Dr. Kalah Blackstock
Dr. Marlowe Haskins
Dr. Mallory Quinn
Dr. Jolene Drake
News //
Are you looking for a primary care provider?
If any doctors or nurse practitioners are taking on more patients it will be from a universal waiting list.
You can register on the to be added to a waitlist. ***Please note that this waitlist can be accessed by any clinics in your region not specific to our clinic. ***
Holiday Hours 2024
**Important Notice for NRPC Clinic**
**Christmas and New Year's Holiday Schedule**
Northern Roots will be operating on a modified schedule during the holiday season.
We will be open for limited hours during the two weeks of the holidays. These hours will be reserved for same-day appointments only.
**Christmas week:** We will be open on December 23rd and 27th.
**New Year's week:** We will be open on December 30th and January 2nd and 3rd.
Please note that these appointments will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
To schedule an appointment, please call us first thing in the morning on the day you wish to be seen. If we do not answer, please leave a message, and we will return your call as soon as possible. Please understand that this does not guarantee an appointment if all the slots are filled by the time you call.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Medical Residents
Dr. Jennifer Vandenberg and Dr. Ali Blair are working with various physicians in our community, including here at Northern Roots.
We are excited to welcome both residents to our clinic welcome them back to the valley!
Foundry Virtual BC
Foundry Virtual BC is now offering free drop-in and scheduled counselling & peer support, substance use services, groups, primary care and employment services for young people ages 12-24 and their caregivers across BC.
The link below will bring you directly to the website:
Who Are We? //
We are a team of four physicians and three medical office assistants who are looking to create a medical home for our patients in the valley. We want you to feel comfortable coming to see your doctor and are working towards this every day. While each patient has a designated physician, we also cover each other regularly. In this way you will be seeing a physician you are comfortable with, and who has access to all your notes and records.
We are also a teaching clinic and you will sometimes be seen by a resident or medical student during your visit. This is very important for their education and ours as students always bring in new information. If you are uncomfortable with this please let us know in advance when booking your appointment.
Are Masks Mandatory in our clinic (2024)
Masks are NOT mandatory in our clinic at this time, however we do require you to put on a mask please if you have any, or have had any recent symptoms of a cough, cold, fever, sore throat, etc.
We appreciate your understanding.